Thursday, July 30, 2009

A polytene chromosome?

a. is found in the salivary glands of some insect larvae.

b. is a chromosome that has repeatedly divided and stuck together to produce a giant chromosome.

c. played a key role in the development of the chromosome theory of inheritance.

d. shows alternating dark and light bands.

e. all of these

A polytene chromosome?
E) all of these

A polytene chromosome can easily be extracted from a fruit fly larva's salivary glands. It can be viewed under a light microscope as the chromosome is giant - due to the mutiple copies of DNA that have stuck together. The dark and light bands show how condensed the DNA is. The reason that it played a big role in theory of inheritance was that was very large and visible, and different genes could be located on it via the banding and stains.
Reply:d) shows alternating dark and light bands!

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